House of Cards Season 6 early reviews: Critics laud Robin Wrights performance


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: November 3, 2018 11:19:22 am

Robin Wrights performance in House of Cards Season 6 has won over critics

The early reviews of Netflixs House of Cards Season 6 are pouring in and looking at them, it is safe to say that the show has faltered in sustaining the interest of its fans. Critics have also been lauding Robin Wrights performance in the show, who is now the main protagonist of the show after Kevin Spaceys exit amid sexual harassment allegations.

The Vanity Fair appreciated Robin Wrights performance but said the show floundered and lost its plot. “Unfortunately, though—even with the leg up provided by the Season 5 finale, and the delayed release—the production is unable to wrap up the story. I dont even mean that House of Cards doesnt end well, although it doesnt; I mean, there are multiple storylines that are simply abandoned. Wright is excellent—shes doing her best work in this season, half-flirting with the audience as she scrambles to consolidate her position,” it said in its review.

Indie Wires Ben Travers gave a C+ grade to the show and said that the show had lost its footing and had taken the shape of a murder-mystery. “Really, in its dying hours House of Cards becomes a murder-mystery. Seeing it this way provides a bit of goofy levity to a series always toeing the line between pompous prestige and soapy melodrama, even if the storys morbid obsession with how Frank died sparks bad memories of This Is Us, Jack Pearson, and a slow-cooker. To make the wait more tolerable, fans are given a feast of fresh talent and old faces. Combined with an elegant visual sheen that feels even more pristine than before, it should be easy for anyone interested to finish the series, even if whats there is far less sumptuous than early offerings,” a section of the review read.


Variety said that while Robin Wright soars in the final season of the show, her character deserved a better story. “A series that was built around the chemistry between two actors — and that had been building toward a climactic showdown — is suddenly a solo act. And while the sixth and final season of House of Cards is as mixed a bag as the thrilling but uneven Netflix drama has yet produced, the good news is that Robin Wright is up to the task of anchoring the show,” read the review.

The Hollywood Reporter also remarked upon the credible performances of the cast and had good words to say about the final season. “With or without Spacey, House of Cards was probably heading toward a conclusion in these new episodes, and theres a resultant feeling of a show with one foot in the future and one foot in Franks grave in South Carolina — half “Heres the fresh show we wish we could just be making” and half “Heres the crumbling old show we cant escape.” The old show was one Ive disliked for a long time. The newer show is one I can imagine missing. I wish there were some way the ties could have been severed immediately,” the review read.

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House of Cards Season 6 early reviews: Critics laud Robin Wrights performance


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: November 3, 2018 11:19:22 am

Robin Wrights performance in House of Cards Season 6 has won over critics

The early reviews of Netflixs House of Cards Season 6 are pouring in and looking at them, it is safe to say that the show has faltered in sustaining the interest of its fans. Critics have also been lauding Robin Wrights performance in the show, who is now the main protagonist of the show after Kevin Spaceys exit amid sexual harassment allegations.

The Vanity Fair appreciated Robin Wrights performance but said the show floundered and lost its plot. “Unfortunately, though—even with the leg up provided by the Season 5 finale, and the delayed release—the production is unable to wrap up the story. I dont even mean that House of Cards doesnt end well, although it doesnt; I mean, there are multiple storylines that are simply abandoned. Wright is excellent—shes doing her best work in this season, half-flirting with the audience as she scrambles to consolidate her position,” it said in its review.

Indie Wires Ben Travers gave a C+ grade to the show and said that the show had lost its footing and had taken the shape of a murder-mystery. “Really, in its dying hours House of Cards becomes a murder-mystery. Seeing it this way provides a bit of goofy levity to a series always toeing the line between pompous prestige and soapy melodrama, even if the storys morbid obsession with how Frank died sparks bad memories of This Is Us, Jack Pearson, and a slow-cooker. To make the wait more tolerable, fans are given a feast of fresh talent and old faces. Combined with an elegant visual sheen that feels even more pristine than before, it should be easy for anyone interested to finish the series, even if whats there is far less sumptuous than early offerings,” a section of the review read.


Variety said that while Robin Wright soars in the final season of the show, her character deserved a better story. “A series that was built around the chemistry between two actors — and that had been building toward a climactic showdown — is suddenly a solo act. And while the sixth and final season of House of Cards is as mixed a bag as the thrilling but uneven Netflix drama has yet produced, the good news is that Robin Wright is up to the task of anchoring the show,” read the review.

The Hollywood Reporter also remarked upon the credible performances of the cast and had good words to say about the final season. “With or without Spacey, House of Cards was probably heading toward a conclusion in these new episodes, and theres a resultant feeling of a show with one foot in the future and one foot in Franks grave in South Carolina — half “Heres the fresh show we wish we could just be making” and half “Heres the crumbling old show we cant escape.” The old show was one Ive disliked for a long time. The newer show is one I can imagine missing. I wish there were some way the ties could have been severed immediately,” the review read.

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